Montana, often dubbed “Big Sky Country,” is a state along the CDT known for its stunning landscapes and vibrant communities. The trail travels through some of Montana’s most majestic and historic lands: Waterton Lake and Glacier National Park on the...
Gila National Forest teams up with various partners to restore a burned landscape SILVER CITY, NM – The Gila National Forest is on the long road to recovery of a landscape burned during the Black Fire, which blackened 325,136 acres of state, private, and Gila National...
CDTC is hiring a Field Crew Leader position for 2024. Spend the summer cruising the Continental Divide Trail and putting your trail skills to use. Interested individuals should send a cover letter and resume to [email protected] with the...
By Don Owen, CDTC Board Member I would like to tell you a story about going to Camp Hale for the first time, with my dad. I am a member of the Board of Directors for the Continental Divide Trail Coalition, and I’m also the son of a 10th Mountain Division soldier...
By Claire Cutler (she/her) | CDTC Community Engagement Coordinator The Continental Divide Trail Coalition Community Outreach team road-tripped to Wyoming in September to visit Continental Divide Trail Gateway Communities. Liz Schmit, Community and Outreach Program...
By Claire Cutler (she/her) | CDTC Community Engagement Coordinator Katie Hearsum is the Community Engagement Manager for Grand Lake, Colorado and has called the town home for the past five years. Katie’s work as Grand Lake’s Community Engagement Manager...