Happy Holidays from CDTC! We hope these phone backgrounds will remind you of the beauty of the CDT, all year round! Thanks for being a part of the CDT community in 2021! We hope to catch you on the trail soon. In order to download these images, click on the photo to open it at full resolution in a new tab. There are 12 photos with crops for a general 16 x 9, which is close to many phones’ resolutions, and the unique crops for Pixel 3 XL and iPhoneX.
We want to heartily thank the many talented photographers whose work brightens our chilly winter days. The phone backgrounds here are from the following artists:
- PHOTO A: Francesca Governali
- PHOTOS B, K: Matthew Morelli, CDTC Trailblazer 2021, www.mmorellicompositions.com
- PHOTO C: Jasmine Star
- PHOTO D: Amanda Wheelock
- PHOTOS G, H: Mike Fuhrmann, CDTC Trailblazer 2021, www.portraitofahiker.com
- PHOTO E, F, I, J, L: Matthew Berger
General 16 x 9 Crop, works for many phones!
(tap to open image in a new tab)
Google Pixel 3, 1440px x 2960px
(tap to open image in a new tab)
iPhone X, 1125px x 2436px
(tap to open image in a new tab)