By Luke Fisher, CDTC Trail Policy Program Manager
This June 5, 2021, celebrate National Trails Day by helping advocate for the Continental Divide Trail and other treasured trails. Here are some ways that you can get involved!
- Take the online pledge from American Hiking Society: “I pledge to take action in 2021 to care for trails and advocate for equitable, safe access to quality green spaces.”
- Learn more about the Outdoor F.U.T.U.R.E Initiative which aims to break down barriers for underserved communities and ensure everyone gets to enjoy, connect, and heal in greenspaces like the CDT.
- Speak up for equitable access by telling your member of Congress to co-sponsor the Transit to Trails Act (HR 2924/S1461) and include the legislation in any transportation and infrastructure package,
- Call your member of Congress and tell them you support full funding for the Recreational Trails Program to better connect your community to all the outdoors has to offer! See more about RTP here.
- If passed, President Biden’s proposed budget would be the largest investment in environmental justice in history. Post on social media with #NationalTrailsDay and tell us why it’s important to you that the lands and waters near you are protected!
- The 30×30 Initiative is an ambitious plan to protect 30% of US lands and waters by 2030, both in large National Parks and Forests and also in local greenspaces. This goal would conserve 400m acres of land and waterways and be a critical step forward towards climate change mitigation. Tell us why 30×30 matters to you!
Photo of San Juan National Forest by Matt Berger