Contributor Info
Contribute To Passages Magazine
A Publication Connecting The Community That Supports The Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (CDT).
The stories that appear in our not-for-profit, online magazine come straight from the tread and the communities of the CDT landscape. As part of our commitment to equity and human-powered articles, CDTC is thrilled to officially begin compensating contributors for their valuable storytelling in 2024.
Proposals will be accepted based on first-come first-served AND meet the guidelines for each type of submission below. NOTE: Please do not send article drafts or completed pieces. Concepts and outlines must be submitted as a proposal BEFORE a written piece is considered.
Deadlines for story ideas should bear in mind the dates below.
2024 Dates & Timelines
Spring 2024 | Rising to the Challenge | May 15 | April 10 |
Winter 2024 | Native Land | Nov. 1 | Oct. 25 |
Passages always has a theme, whether stated on the cover or woven into the content. Interpretations of the theme can vary, so use your creativity or offer a unique perspective.
Types Of Articles
The feature is the centerpiece and cover story of each issue of Passages. The length is 1,200- 1,500 words and pays about 20 cents per word. The content specifically highlights a member or organization from within the CDT community. Examples here and here. If submitting a cover photo candidate with the story, please ensure it is a cover-quality photo (6800×4400 for a full-wrap 11×17” cover, and 3400×4400 for an 8.5×11” cover.)
The feature story is community and values-driven, so it is not necessarily a story about your time spent on the trail. The goal is to highlight an organization or individual that is working to make a difference in the CDT community or landscape. It also fits perfectly with the theme of the issue – though different takes on that theme are welcome!
Trail Towns
In each issue, Trail Towns celebrates one of the CDT’s adjacent communities and all its uniqueness and glory. Part travel guide write-up and part story, this article follows a particular format that contributors should review here and here before submitting a proposal. There is a lot of room for creativity and choosing the angle and location of the article, but it must follow the format and somehow connect the reader to the CDT.
These accounts will move from state to state, so before you pitch, take a moment to review and notice where we’ve been recently. (The Winter 2023 issue did not include a Trail Town Feature.)
Guidelines: Approximately 1,000 words (not including the sidebar town profile), photos are optional. If you have photos from a visit, by all means, include them. If not, CDTC will track down images or use them from our library.
These submissions are from your travels or CDT adventures and might include a short essay or other creative piece, poetry, or a review. They are less than 800 words and show off your creativity! The content should relate to the Continental Divide Trail, communities, or greater CDT landscape.
The Terminus
Have a recent CDT adventure that you’re dying to write about? The Terminus is the place! This short-and-sweet ending to each issue gives an account of time spent out on the trails of the Divide. Preference will be given to stories about time spent on the official CDT, whether on a thru-hike or not. These are typically around 1,000 words and include photos from your journey.
Passages is a free publication. CDTC is a non-profit organization that produces an online magazine– with some amazing contractors and contributors– in the middle of all the other work we do in service of the CDT and communities. We are, however, committed to releasing the highest quality product we can achieve, connecting with our audience of over 60,000, continuing to grow our audience, and supporting human-powered writing and media.
Payment is issued within 30 days of the publication date. Here is the breakdown of what you can expect for a finished piece if your proposal is accepted:*
- Feature: $300+*
- Trail Towns: $200+*
- Terminus: $200+*
- Essays: $200+*
Please submit proposals and questions to
*Actual rate will depend on the length, creativity, amount of editing needed, accompanying photos, etc.
Want To Share A Great Shot From The Continental Divide?
CDTC loves to celebrate CDT moments throughout the trail landscape. Send us a photo from your CDT adventure using the form below, and you may be featured in our media!
Photo: San Juan Mountains, Colorado by Michael Underwood, featured in the 2022 CDT Calendar.