CDT Action Center
Contact Your Congressperson Toolkit
You can support the CDT by emailing or calling your elected officials in the next week using this script, or describing your own reasons for loving and protecting about the CDT!
My CDT Story | Public Land Issues & the CDT
Your experiences are important for the protection of this treasured landscape. We want to know and share your stories — they matter. What is your connection to public lands and how do the current issues facing public lands impact you, your family, your business, and your community?
2025 Congressional Report
Within this report, the Continental Divide Trail Coalition uplifts the importance of the cooperative stewardship model in the management of the CDT, our major accomplishments in 2024, and areas of excitement and growth in 2025.
Public Comment Periods
Priorities We're Tracking
CDT Completion Act
CDTC is working with congressional champions for the trail towards passage of the CDT Completion Act. The CDT Completion Act directs the US Departments of Agriculture and the Interior to complete the CDT, eliminating dangerous road walks and making the trail safer, more accessible, and more enjoyable.
Legacy Restoration Fund
In the last congressional session, a bipartisan group of Senators, including Montana Senator Steve Daines, introduced a bill that would reauthorize the Legacy Restoration Fund (LRF) for an additional eight years, until FY 2033. The LRF is a crucial lifeline for addressing deferred maintenance on American public lands and CDTC is working with legislators to ensure this essential funding is reauthorized.
Federal Funding & Congressional Appropriation Bills
Congressionally appropriated funding is critical to the ability of federal agencies to steward our public lands, including the CDT. CDTC advocates for strong funding for the US Forest Service and its CDT Team, as well as for the entire National Trails System, in Congressional Appropriations Bills each year.
CDT Communities
The CDT is a point of pride, a crucial connection to public lands, and an economic boon for many rural communities. CDTC works with federal agencies and legislators to ensure that the CDT continues to support outdoor recreation economies in small communities, provide access for community members to hunt, fish, camp, horseback ride, and hike, and provide an avenue for rural landowners and community members to shape the future of our public lands.