Adopt A Section

About CDTC Adopters

CDTC Adopters help us meet the ongoing monitoring and maintenance needs of the CDT by taking responsibility for their own “adopted” section of the trail. No trail maintenance experience is necessary. The responsibilities of a CDTC Adopter vary between different Forest Service Ranger Districts and Bureau of Land Management offices. CDTC Adopters can expect to fulfill these requirements and responsibilities:

  • Attend a 1 day CDTC Adopter training prior to working on your chosen section of trail. These trainings are required to become a CDTC Adopter and involve a classroom and field portion.
  • Maintain your adopted section a minimum of twice a year in accordance with the local land manager’s trail objectives and standards, as outlined in the CDTC Adopter Guide.
  • Submit a CDTC Adopter Report Form to CDTC after visiting your adopted segment.
  • Abide by the communications protocols and adhere to safety standards and requirements as outlined by the managing agency in your volunteer agreement.
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How To Become A CDTC Adopter

Step 1

The first step in becoming a CDTC Adopter is identifying what segment of the CDT you would like to maintain! This can be a section close to home, in a part of the Rockies you love to visit, or a part of the CDT you’re already familiar with. It is important to note that not all Forest Service Ranger Districts and other land managers along the CDT are currently participating in the CDTC Adopter program. If you find a segment that you are interested in adopting but it falls into a region not participating in the program, fill out the Adopter Interest Form below and we will reach out to you once the area opens up.

You can view what segments of trail are currently available for adoption on the CDTC Adopter Map below.

Navigating the CDTC Adopter Map:

  • The map will load with a legend on the right half of the screen. Note that Available segments are in red. To bring the legend back after closing it, click the 3rd button on the top right corner of the screen.
  • Search for your town or home address in the search bar or zoom out to navigate to your region.
  • Click on a segment of the CDT that you are interested in adopting.
  • Scroll through the section details to see additional information.

Step 2

The second step is to fill out the CDTC Adopter Interest Form with your information, including the segment number you identified on the map. We review this Interest Form on a regular basis and will reach out to you if we or one of our partner organizations schedule an adopter training in your vicinity.

Step 3

The third step is to register for a 1 day CDTC Adopter Training! We host roughly five trainings each year across the length of the trail. We are also working with our invaluable partners to highlight their qualifying trainings that cover similar independent stewardship practices. Scroll down for more information on Adopter Trainings.

CDTC Adopter Trainings

About CDTC Adopter Trainings

CDTC Adopter Trainings are a crucial and required part of becoming a CDTC Adopter. After deciding on a segment of trail you wish to maintain, check to see if CDTC is holding a training near you and sign up! Plan on spending two days learning the basics of trail maintenance and other skills necessary for a CDTC Adopter. Training covers the following topics and typically includes an in-class and field-based lesson.

  • About the Continental Divide Trail and Continental Divide Trail Coalition
  • CDT Trail Standards
  • Working & Communication with Land Managers
  • Risk Assessment and Safety
  • Corridor Clearance & Brushing
  • Light Tread Work – Removing Slough and Berms
  • Cleaning Drainage Structures
  • Signing and Marking the CDT
  • How to Fill out a CDTC Adopter Report Form

What to Expect

The first half of your CDTC Adopter Training is typically held indoors to cover the basics of CDTC Adopter responsibilities, reporting, CDT signing, and CDT Standards. After completing the indoor classroom portion you’ll head to a local trail where you’ll get hands-on experience with tools and go over trail work concepts that were covered in the classroom section. On the second day, we’ll put all our new skills together and continue practicing in the field. You are responsible for finding your own lodging or camping during the training. CDTC and partner organizations will provide recommendations for camping or lodging prior to the project.

What to Bring

CDTC and partner organizations will provide tools, hardhats, work gloves, safety glasses, and first aid kits for trainees. Please bring a backpack, sunglasses, hat, water bottles, lunch and snacks for both days, closed toe shoes, long pants, long sleeved shirt, and any medication.

Current CDTC Adopters

CDTC is proud of our partnerships and the many individuals, organizations, and companies who have committed themselves to maintaining the Continental Divide Trail. Click the logos below to find out more about some of our wonderful partners who have adopted sections of the CDT.

Friends Of The Bridger Teton
Big Agnes
Bitterroot Backcountry Cyclists
Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation
Colorado Native
Colorado Trail Foundation
Four Points
Headwaters Trails Alliance
Mmba Montana Mountain Bike Alliance
Montana Bicycle Guild
Southwest Conservation Corps
Steps Into Cuba
Southwest Montana Mountain Bike Association
Wils Earth Guardians
Cibola Trail Alliance
Wild Montana
Less Traveled Logo
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