Small Business Resources

2023 Small Business Report

In 2023, CDTC surveyed 134 small business owners in 35 communities located along the Continental Divide Trail to learn more about how the CDT impacts their businesses, the local economy, and their support for public lands.

Overwhelmingly, business owners in CDT communities have experienced a positive impact from the CDT and support enhancing and protecting the trail and the surrounding landscape.

The CDT is more than tread of the trail! It’s just one piece of the Continental Divide landscape – a way to recognize communities that act as advocates for the protection of the trail and its resources, and encourage economic development through outdoor recreation. In the 2023 survey, 82% of all respondents believe protecting, promoting, and enhancing public lands is important to the well-being of businesses, jobs, and their community’s economy.

Check out the 2023 Small Business Report and learn about ways communities act as advocates for the protection of the Continental Divide landscape.

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Learn More About CDTC’s Work In The Continental Divide Landscape!

2019 General Survey Report

2023 Congressional Report

2022 Small Business Survey