Read, listen, & connect with the CDT community
Feature article:
Finding Purpose on the Divide
How archery hunting and the outdoors provide healing for post-9/11 combat veterans
It’s four o’clock in the morning, and it’s time to go. Hours before sunrise, it’s still dark. There’s a steep uphill climb to find a high point where the hikers can “glass,” scanning the open hillsides through binoculars. Depending on where the day goes, it might be dark again before returning to camp…
This is just part of what Bethany West and Katie Megahee will experience this fall for the culmination of Hunt for Purpose, a Warriors & Quiet Waters Foundation (WQW) program. The two veterans are part of an intensive program that teaches the tools and skills needed for successful archery hunting, providing tools to thrive in post-combat military life. Keep Reading
Catch up on all things CDT in this issue of Passages Magazine! Full issue:
More in this issue
Behind the Trails | The Gila Backcountry Horsemen of New Mexico
By Audra Labert
It’s easy to take a well-maintained trail for granted. Learn more about the partners that help maintain the trails on public lands. Read
Share of the Wild
By Sharon Buccino
How one CDTC Board Member gains understanding through participating in hunter education in Wyoming. Read
Trail Town Feature: Pinedale, Wyoming
New to Passages: Learn more about the Trail Towns you know and love. Read
More from the Autumn issue of Passages:
NEW | The Shakedown – The trail community weighs in on all things CDT, from backcountry clothing to gear. Find the results here!
Letters from the Executive Director and Acting E.D.,
Trail Tidbits Photos from the CDT,
Fire & Regeneration in the Black Range (NM),
The Terminus from Ghost Lake & more!
Thank you to CDTC members, supporters, and partners!
What is the CDT community reading and listening to? Find out in the Media Roundup!
This podcast features CDTC Board Member, long-distance hiker, and ‘recovering academic’ Amiththan “Swami Bittergoat” Sebarajah to gain his perspective on thru-hiking and discuss how he frames that perspective against the complex and nuanced backdrop of his life experience as a first-generation immigrant and a person of color.
“Songs that Feel Like Home” from Instagram followers
Don’t miss the next Passages release!
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