Passages Magazine | Spring 2023

August 7, 2023

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From CDTC Executive Director, Teresa Martinez:

It is springtime along the Continental Divide and within the CDTC. Along with the farewells, we welcome new life into this community and these places that are like none other on the planet. We witness the return of the birds–old friends making their spring journeys north along the CDT–and the resident bears and creatures waking up from long winter naps. We delight in opportunities to see familiar faces, like Tom “Radar” Baker in Southern New Mexico, Jeffrey Sharp of the Hachita Bike Ranch, and CDTC Southern Terminus Shuttle Drivers Tim Sharp, Cal Ewing, Doug Spray, and local Trail Angel “Radar”.

I wish you all a beautiful spring and look forward to seeing you all on the Trail in the coming months. Thank you for all you do on behalf of the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail!

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Seeing the World Between Two Ears

By Gillian “Thru-rider” Larson

Exploring Trails on Horseback in the Western U.S.

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Reflections | Barney “Scout” Mann

Former CDTC Board Member shared his vision for the CDT, “Please never completely tame it.”

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Trail Town Feature: Jackson, MT

New to Passages: Learn more about the Trail Towns you know and love.

Plus, you’ll find the new Media Roundup and so much more!

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